reading Rails 3 Release Note (8:Active Model to 7:Action Pack)

Rails に対して「ここはちょっとなー」と思っていた、表面はエレガントだが内部のコードはダーティという水鳥な部分が払拭されたように見える。
spec 見てるだけの今の段階ではかなりの好印象

Rails にはそのための機能が揃っていて嬉しい。

  • AM の validation はとても良いように思える。
  • AR 含め、Rails2 系の API が使えるのは 3.2 まで
    • will not deplicated until 3.1 and not removed until Rails 3.2
    • compatibility layer でサポートって面白い。
  • AR で State Machine サポート
    • REST 厨だけど業務に於いて State Machine 欲しい場面は多々有る。デフォで State Machine が入ってくるのはデカい。

note の写経になるとあまり意味が無い事に気付いた。
mind-map 代わりにと思ったが、note が既に mind-map 状態なのでサブセットを作るだけだったり。


Active Model
# custom validator
class TitleValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
  Titles = ['Mr.', 'Mrs.', "Dr."]
  def validate_each(record, attr, value)
    record.errors[attr] << 'must be a valid title' unless Titles.include?(value)

# validate with plain object
class Person
  include ActiveModel::Validations
  attr_accessor :title
  validates :title, :presence => true, :title => true

# validate with AR
class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  validates :title, :presence => true, :title => true

Active Record


  • :destroyed?
  • :inverse_of allowing you to pull instance of an already loaded association without hitting db

Patches and Deprications

  • pgsql support for the XML data type col
  • a lot
  • named_scope is now just "scope"
    • scope :since, lambda {|time| where("created_at > ?", time)}
  • save(false) is now save(:validate => false)
  • i18n err msg is now :en.errors.template
  • model.errors.on is now model.errors[]
  • validate_presence_of is now :presence => true
  • colored logging is now Rails::Subscriber.colorize_logging or config.colorize_logging

Active Resource

extracted to Active Model

see doc

Active Support

  • Safe Buffers are implemented in ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer
    • what's that ? like a object-escaper or cache of escaped input values or so ?
  • added Array.uniq_by, uniq_by!
  • added ActiveSupport::Notifications middleware
    • what's that ?
  • escape_html_entities_in_json now defaults to false
  • string.mb_chars
  • added SAX-based parser for XmlMini, using LibXML and Nokogiri
  • added Object.presence returns object if it's #present? otherwise returns nil
  • use .exclude? instead of if ! x.include?
  • support deep-merging in HashWithIndifferentAccess

object tap (ruby 1.9)

  • helper for call chaining
  • passes its object into the given block, and gets block's return
"hoge".tap do |o|
# gets Hoge ?
# I haven't run it yet.

Action Mailer

  • inherits Abstract Controller, and wraps the Mail gem in a Rails DSL
  • all mailers are now in app/mailers by default